Be a Voice for the Voiceless
2021 Montana Anti-Wolf Legislation
HB 224 kills pets and more!
House Bill HB 224
Allows snaring of Montana and Yellowstone Wolves
Montana House Representative Paul Fielder (R) is on a mission to kill all the wolves in Montana. HB 224 would allow the snaring of wolves in Montana. This bill will place family pets and young children in serious jeopardy. This bill will place working dogs such as Houndsmen and bird dogs in peril.
Bitterroot Friends Contact:
Senator Jason Ellsworth: [email protected]
Cell: (406) 360-0009
Montanans can easily submit public comment opposing HB224 to the Senate Fish & Game Committee:
- Very liberal wolf hunting and trapping season already.
- Snaring will give Montana a negative perception by the other states and World.
- Tourists don’t approve of this behavior.
- Snaring threatens working dogs.
- Snaring threatens family children and family pets. Montana does not have a leash law for pets. So family pets may roam with family in the backcountry.
- Snaring is very indiscriminate.
- Snaring is not always lethal and can lead to pain, suffering, and eventually a slow death.
- Snaring can injure or kill livestock.
- Furbearer’s and other game animals can be injured or killed by snares.
- Because of cost, snares have the potential to saturate the landscape.
- Bald eagles, Golden Eagle and other birds of prey are vulnerable to snares.
- Grizzly bears are threatened by snaring. This would set back the recovery of these animals.
- Lynx and Wolverine are threatened by snares. This could set back the recovery of these animals.
Bill Language: HB 224
Stop the trapping and snaring of pregnant wolves
House Bill HB 225
House Bill HB 225 would extend the wolf trapping and possibly snaring of mid-term or later PREGNANT wolves. Montana has ethics and morals with how we treat our wildlife. Representative Paul Fielder is forcing his troubled and twisted beliefs on those of us that see and treat nature differently.
Please take a moment and contact Sen Ellsworth and the other Montana elected officials.
Senator Jason Ellsworth: [email protected]
Cell: (406) 360-0009
Montanans can easily submit public comment opposing HB225 to the Senate Fish & Game Committee:
- This bill infringes on the Montana Fish Wildlife Commissioner authority.
- Trapping prior to December 15th produces poor pelts.
- Trapping after February 28th killing midterm pregnant wolves.
- Trapping wolves prior to December 15th will jeopardize Grizzly bear delisting and population.
- Trapping after February 28th jeopardizes Grizzly bear delisting and population. Leaving dens. Some with Coy’s. (Cubs of the year)
- Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks already has a very liberal wolf killing season.
- Wolf population numbers within Montana are below what MtFWP acknowledges. Patch Occupancy Modeling is biased, with the survey pool being only hunters.
- Wolf trapping will jeopardize Lynx and Wolverine populations and lead to Federal intervention under the ESA.
- This could harm backcountry enthusiasts enjoying winter.
Bill Language: HB 225